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Understanding Custody Modification in Georgia

C. Trimble • December 3, 2024

In Georgia, custody modification refers to a legal process aimed at altering an existing child custody or visitation arrangement. Parents can initiate this process if there have been significant changes in their circumstances or the child's situation since the initial custody order was established. 

Reasons for Seeking a Custody Modification

There are various reasons why parents in Georgia might pursue changes to their original custody agreement. The primary requirement for any modification is a substantial change in material circumstances affecting either the child or the parent.

A wooden judge 's gavel is sitting next to a paper cut out of a family holding hands.

Potential reasons for seeking a custody modification include:

  • Increased Contact with the Non-Custodial Parent: A desire for the child to spend more time with the non-custodial parent, including arrangements for 50/50 joint custody.
  • Parental Relocation: A parent may need to move due to a new job or marriage.
  • Financial Changes: Significant shifts in a parent's financial situation, whether positive or negative.
  • Evolving Needs of the Child: As children grow, their needs may change.
  • Child’s Well-Being: Alterations in a child’s physical, emotional, or academic health that necessitate a change in custody.
  • Child's Preferences: If the child is 14 years or older, their custody preferences may be considered.
  • Parental Violations: Repeated breaches of custody or visitation orders by a parent.
  • Neglect of Parental Duties: The custodial parent failing to meet their responsibilities.
  • Unsafe Environments: Situations involving abuse, neglect, abandonment, or unsafe living conditions.

Additionally, significant decisions made by the custodial parent regarding the child’s education, healthcare, or religious upbringing that conflict with the child’s best interests can also prompt a request for modification.

Given the complexities involved in custody modification cases, it is advisable to consult with an experienced family law attorney. For assistance with your custody arrangement or to learn more about the modification process, contact CHISOLM TRIMBLE & ASSOCIATES, LLC at 770-741-1570.

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